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Credit Card Activation

Product Design & Content
Credit Cards, Consumer Banking

What is Card Activation

To provide a seamless experience when HSBC clients migrate their existing credit cards to RBC. T70 days before launch, HSBC clients will be given the opportunity to activate their RBC credit card, so on Legal Day 1, they will be able to seamlessly go from using their HSBC cards to their replaced RBC credit card


This capability was to help manage the influx of card activations on April 1. However, certain use cases had to be considered.

Clients may have multiple cards and the welcome kit did not provide matching information for the client to know what HSBC card = RBC card. Did know the population with more than three, was very small.
Business clients may end up in this flow and try to activate their business RBC credit card
Due to this being before the transition, Customer Service will not be able to help any clients throughout this process, outside of basic instructions for the flow.
To be mindful of fraud and clients trying out multiple card number scenarios, limit the number of tries



This flow went live in February with a goal of 125K activations by April 1st. On April 1, we successfully had 126K activations, with limited calls from users as they were able to understand the simplicity of the flow.  

Considerations and solutions

Business clients

There was concern that business clients may end up in this flow, which is only for personal banking clients with credit cards. There was discussion to create a screen or call out for that use case. All business credit cards are delivered activated, therefore business clients are not required to activate their business cards upon receipt. Once it was determined that we can detect a business card from the card number entered, we decided to just allow this use case go through the happy path and see the success screen.

Clients with numerous credit card replacements
Due to the client not being told which card replaced which card, there was a chance of errors, when matching the HSBC card number and RBC card number. We were able to determine that a very low number of clients have three cards, so with that, we allowed clients three tries to enter the right information before locking them out of the flow. This was also beneficial to prevent for instances of fraud.
No support or help
Due to this flow being available before the official transition from HSBC to RBC, there would not be support available for clients. With this is mind, a decision was made to utilize a frequently asked questions. While not the perfect scenario, we identified various pain points the client may encounter and shared with an external team to include in the FAQs that they were developing. The link to the FAQs was included on every screen throughout the flow.
Help setup OLB
While clients were not fully clients as yet. There was value to welcome into the bank. Therefore on the final screens we allowed clients to be directed to Online Banking Enrolment flow, where they were able to use their HSBC credentials to setup OLB, so they would have access to both their card and OLB on LD1.